(C) 2025

A captivating exploration of architectural duality unfolds, where mirrored design elements subtly unite while practical details distinguish, offering an intriguing narrative of form, function, and privacy.

Both homes feature a large balcony on the second floor which protrudes proudly and pushes the main residential towers further back. While the front of the Duo features a windowless cream coloured block, one’s appreciation of the view is not at all compromised due to the strategic placements of the tall, slim windows that are placed further inside due to the depth of the building, and quietly in the foreground of the cream block.

Large, bold windows and sliding doors are in place on the top floor of the unit, where a structure is ejected above the cream block. Due to the height at which this unit rises to, it serves as a challenge for neighbouring units and passers-by to even take a glance inside. Hence, a sense of privacy is naturally instilled without any need for screens.

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