(C) 2025


Concrete beams put together to form a ‘C’ enclose a barcode-like screen which mimics the reaching branches of a tree and surrounds a huge part of the exterior, creating a bold yet sleek sense of exclusivity and privacy.

The sleeked screens sit above a smaller block characterised by tall, glass windows, allowing for complete transparency into the house. This juxtaposition between the closed off upper floors and almost transparent ground floor creates a groundless feeling, as though the structure floats atop in plain space.

Hidden from a mere passer-by’s naked eye, the building extends deeper within. A private, indoor swimming pool sits on the ground floor, and is surrounded by yet another tetris-like structure, enclosing it from the outside world. The house also features several open spaces that are based indoors, such as a pond that sits below the staircase and has direct access to open air, and a private toilet that is heavily surrounded by nature.

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